Many companies have a chart of accounts that is too general for the level of detail required for cost identification. A granular level of detail is critical for products and/or services that combine or include multiple components. Precise Financial Management will assist clients in the design and restructure of a chart of accounts that allows for a more granular level of detail.

Companies experiencing a growth spurt may have more resources directed toward external factors, such as maintaining market position or beefing up sales staff, with little or no resources focused on the development of an accounting system to support this growth. Precise Financial Management can provide system restructure and development to ensure the internal accounting infrastructure keeps pace with the external growth of your business.

Precise Financial Management has developed viable problem solving solutions for a number of small and large clients. Each client represents a unique challenge because every client is at a different stage of business maturity. We develop an understanding of the clients' specific problems in light of the clients' objectives that are not being met. We then identify the resources that are available to achieve these objectives and proceed to develop a viable solution.

What are your issues or frustrations? Let us analyze your situation and determine a viable solution for you.



Some companies have specific employees who have performed the same duties for a number of years. A particular employee may be the only individual that knows how to perform certain tasks. The business could be devastated if that individual suddenly left the company or was out sick for an extended period of time. Precise Financial Management can spend the requisite time shadowing that employee and documenting the processes and procedures involved in fulfilling his or her duties and responsibilities.


Businesses that are temporarily short staffed, due to employee separation, vacation or illness, may find themselves in need of immediate assistance from a seasoned staff member. Precise Financial Management provides temporary or on-going assistance to fill the gap due to employee absenteeism.


Mature companies may have outdated, inflexible accounting systems that require time consuming massaging of data from which decisions can be made. Precise Financial Management can assist in the development of streamlined processes, using tools such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access, to refine existing procedures. Or, if an accounting software upgrade is an option, Precise Financial Management can assist in the design, development and parallel system implementation of new accounting software.

Precise Financial Management began in Los Angeles, California, providing production and cost accounting services to small and large entertainment industry clients. While the quantity of staff, size of facilities and revenue generating potential were markedly different between and among our smaller and larger clients, the objectives of all these clients remained the same: a desire for an accounting and financial infrastructure that would provide the requisite informational output. 

Every business is unique. The level of maturity, quantity and quality of staff and the speed at which a business grows is determined by a variety of factors. The combination of these factors will determine what resources are available to support an efficient accounting and financial infrastructure.


Most businesses have a desire to improve profitability. Improving profitability requires differentiating between what is controllable and what is not. External factors, such as market price or consumer tastes and preferences, are typically outside of a businesses' control. Internal factors, such as the costs of doing business, are usually within a businesses' control. Precise Financial Management can assist clients in understanding their businesses' cost behavior, allowing clients to get a better handle on understanding the total costs involved in offering their product or service.